Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Tale from Zorgon 17

"But why Jacabazoid?" The children of Zorgon 17 were inquisitive.  But their nanny-bot knew better than to answer all of their questions. Jacabazoid knew every fact in the 7 galaxies including that the children's questions were only a ploy to determine the most painful death delivery method for whatever creature they might come across next.

"Woof-pooie-graw, Woof-pooie-graw" shrieked the class hamst-izard.  

The children's wide eyed gaze instantly shifted from Jacabazoid's stories to the adorable fur ball which slithered around it's mini space castle.  The unfortunate creature had injured it's 7th eye while climbing out of its nest, and the children saw the perfect opportunity to fulfill their sadist needs.  Their little tentacles dropped their auto-crayons and grasped their live-dissection toolkits. "FFFFFFFLOOOOOOMIP" A blazing mega-laser light instantly disintegrated the young demons. All that remained was the caramel scented purple dust of their corpses. Jacabazoid finally avenged his father, who was a toaster.